Paradise Truth inc. (2019)
video, 5:36 min
A normal day on the work floor of Paradise Truth inc. Three long-nailed corporate post-apocalyptic elve-slaves are trapped in a vlogging studio. Amidst an approaching apocalypse, soothe their anxiety through automatic labour activities.
A brief but extensive collaboration with Emirhan Akin, Levi van Gelder, Andrea González Garrán, Francisca Khamis Giacoman, Tali Liberman, Heleen Mineur, Nicolò Pellarin, Charlotte Rohde, Wouter Stroet, Fabian Tombers, Hanna Valle, Lucie de Bréchard, Rowena Buur, Miquel Hervás Gómez, Sascha Krischock, Samuli Saarinen, Andreas Trenker, Alex Walker and Karina Zavidova.