The Swimming Pool (2020)
documentary, Spain, 45 min
Camera & Editing: Carmen Dusmet Carrasco; with the main appearance of Delia Carmen Carrasco Pardo;
Composed by Lola de la Mata; Sound Mix by room6audio; Editing Advisors: Daniel van der Velden & Nirit Peled;
Text and Translation Advisor: Tina Bastajian; Film poster: Alex Walker.
The Swimming Pool was developed over the course of a two-year domestic ethnographic research involving many travels to Southern Spain. In an attempt to find what it means to practice care, Carmen Dusmet Carrasco developed an obsession with capturing her mother’s precarious journey towards retirement. What began as a socio-economic study of female poverty in Spain led to an intimate negotiation of a mother-daughter relationship. Projecting the imagination of a younger generation onto a future that is unfolding, the film is an intergenerational prism. In its rawness, it unapologetically poses a confessional question: How can younger generations take care of the elderly while safeguarding their own future?
i swear time passed
Het Hem, Amsterdam (NL)
29 Oct – 1 Nov 2020
Sandberg Instituut Show 2020 w/ Emirhan Akin, Levi van Gelder, Andrea González Garrán, Francisca Khamis Giacoman., Tali Liberman, Heleen Mineur, Nicolò Pellarin, Charlotte Rohde, Wouter Stroet, Fabian Tombers, Hanna Valle
My Goals are Bigger Than Yours
Cas-co, Leuven (BE)
12 March – 28 May 2022
Off the, Grid Residency w/ Davide Ghelli Santuliana, Valentino Russo, Cathleen Owens & Arthur Cordier
Generously supported by Cas-co, Leuven (BE), Stroom Den Haag (NL), The Media Lab–Sandberg Instituut (NL)
My Goals are Bigger Than Yours, Cas-co, Leuven © Matthijs van der Burgt
i swear time passed, Het Hem, © Sander van Wettum
Het Het Cinema, Photo © Tommy Smits